European Baptist Federation

We pray unceasingly for the people of Ukraine and cry out for God’s protection and justice for the vulnerable.
Join the EBF Prayer Gatherings every Wednesday during the month of March at 19:00 CET.
Together, we will pray for the situation in Ukraine.
With the outbreak of war, the need to pray together for peace is even more important.
Register for Prayer Gatherings here
Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.
Proverbs 3:27
We affirm and encourage the work of Ukrainian Baptists in reaching out in the love of Christ to those most affected by the war.
We invite you to be part of our joint response and donate generously
to the work of our Ukrainian brothers and sisters.
Your donations will help to purchase food, hygiene items, medicine, generators, gasoline, blankets, pillows, and necessary items for the internally displaced people (IDPs) and the shelters set up for them.
EBF Bank Details for Giving: Ukrainian Appeal
Beneficiary: European Baptist Federation
Sort code: 30-99-38
Account number: 03118475
IBAN: GB66LOYD30993803118475