MFE3 Who’s who?

MFE3: Speakers
Debra Green OBE
Debra Green OBE is the National Director and Founder of Redeeming Our Communities (ROC), founded in 2004; a registered charity and Limited company. She is frequently asked to speak at events and conferences. She also speaks at conferences organised by statutory authorities and public services.
Debra has twenty years of experience in bringing organisations together towards the goal of social transformation, starting with her home city of Manchester. Since 2003, this work has expanded and she has acted as a consultant to many other towns and cities with significant results. Such work has attracted interest from public services and local authorities who are impressed by the proven track record and results achieved.
Debra has had three books published. The most recent published in 2014 – ROC Your World – changing communities for good. Also a previous book was published in 2008 “Redeeming Our Communities; 21st Century Miracles of Social Transformation”. Her books are available to purchase from here.
Alan Ross
For the past 20 years, Alan Ross has been traveling as a prophetic voice to the nations, pastoring to local churches, and ministering to countless congregants.
He has preached in over twenty States in the U.S.A and has ministered to countries such as Hungary, Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Indonesia, Myanmar, Andorra, The Netherlands, Haiti, Jamaica and Ecuador.
Alan has an extensive ministry in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland and his academic studies have taken him to across the world to Hong Kong and China.
Alan is also Associate Pastor at Gateway Church, Bridgeton.
MFE3: Worship
Sam Hibbard
Sam is a singer songwriter and worship leader from Aberdeen. After a period of training at Worship Central, Sam returned to Aberdeen and alongside his songwriting he is currently the Youth and Youth & Young Adults Coordinator at Sheddocksley Baptist. Sam has lead worship at many youth conferences including Magnitude and has a growing catalogue of excellent worship songs. Recently, Sam supported Martin Smith at his Glasgow show. He may well have a big smile on his face this month as he proposed to Erin and she said yes! More info on Sam here
MFE3: Hosts
Graeme MacDonald
Graeme is MFE’s very own wise sage. In the daytime he runs an engineering firm in Glasgow – and is married to the amazing Ruth. He is passionate about many things but especially worship, being equipped for our frontlines and integrity in the church.
Erin Ralph
Erin is always a blast of God’s joy! A passionate disciple of Jesus – who loves worship, people & growing in ways that extend God’s Kingdom. Erin works for the Baptist Union Training Hub and also as a barrista in a cafe. She is also a trained opera singer & has just got engaged to Sam!